31 January 2008

Super Sunday vs. Super Tuesday

Well, the dual colossus is upon us. Super Bowl Sunday and the political cousin Super (some say Tsunami) Tuesday. Both these events could have millions glued to their TV sets for hours at a time. So now is the time to prepare.


Any favorite snacks and/or beverage suggestions? Which will hold over between the two events? Chex mix comes to mind. Does one fire up the grill for either occasion?

Places and Spaces

Are there any good house parties scheduled for either event? Does anyone know of a good pub for Sunday? Tuesday?


Will there be any high-concept commercials developed specially for broadcast on MSNBC, FoxNews, and CNN?

I’m certain of PBS coverage on Tuesday, but will they send Bill Moyers to Arizona this weekend?

What will the halftime show on Tuesday look like?

Your thoughts on either event, or both, are welcomed and encouraged.

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