04 December 2012

Lead by Example

A recent article on the Explore Howard website reveals that three Columbia residents are seeking to introduce legislation at the Maryland State level to dramatically change Columbia Association HOA membership.  Given that these residents have advocated for greater transparency and seek to stop CA's proposed legislation, I ask that these individuals release their proposal to all Columbia residents as soon as possible.  This document must be given to Columbians now rather than after it appears in the General Assembly so that residents clearly understand the intent and depth of their proposal.  To do any less would shrink from the transparency they seek of others.  With all due respect, demonstrate your beliefs in deeds and not only in words.  HoCoBlogs@@@


Anonymous said...

Please help us get the word out. We hav given links to the Flier and Columbia Patch. The links are http://goo.gl/GGqmP and http://goo.gl/Pn7UZ.

Tom Scott

Anonymous said...


We provided the bill text and the rationale to the reporter to publish online.

In addition to the reporter's link in the exolorehoward online version of the Columbia Flier and the Baltimore Sun, we have also published the proposal on the MHA website:


Please note that the proposed legislation has been formally endorsed by the MHA, ABC and many other Columbia residents.

We welcome any questions or comments from your readers and your additional publication of the bill language and rationale.

Joel Pearlman, Esq.